Mark Squier

Austin Restaurant Composite Project

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My name is Mark Squier and I'm a graduate from the University of Texas at Austin. I received my B.A. in International Relations and Global Studies, with a focus on International Political Economy. I'm a functional Spanish speaker with a deep passion for geopolitics, international affairs, and analytics.

In my current role as a data analyst with Hunter-Kelsey, I enjoy using programming tools to find meaning in data that may have been otherwise overlooked. Beyond finding diamonds in the rough that is raw data, I look to automate company processes, i.e. marketing response rate generation or weekly report visualizations. Most of my work is done in Excel and VBA, but as I've developed skills in other areas, I've increasingly used Python (address verification API calls) and SQL (MySQL queries on CAD lists) on the job. I'm eager to see where my analytical skills take me in the near future.

Technical Skills

  1. Python
  2. Database Engineering and Analysis
  3. Excel/VBA
  4. Web Development (Working on it...)

Some of Mark's Interests
Movies Artists Books Activites
Blade Runner: 2049 Radiohead Ender's Game Drums
Close Encounters of the Third Kind Broken Social Scene The Giver Guitar
The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy) M83 The Andromeda Strain Hiking